Young Professionals Reception

Presentation: “Using economic tools for career decisions”

with Dr. Julie Percival, Regional Economist for the Dallas Regional Office of the U.S.  Bureau of Labor Statistics

Date/Time: Tuesday Oct. 22, 6:00 PM

Dr. Julie Percival, Regional Economist for the Dallas Regional Office of the U.S.  Bureau of Labor Statistics will speak on data and analytic tools that can help people make sound, evidence-based decisions about their lives.


Much has changed since Feynman complained that “Social science is an example of a science which is not a science… They follow the forms… but they don’t get any laws.” The social sciences, particularly economics, have made huge strides in being able to provide both the data and analytic tools that can help people make sound, evidence-based decisions about their lives. But not all analysis or data is created equal.

In this talk, I’ll explain how you can use free, readily available public data to improve your and your bosses lives, and why it is that high quality, reliable economic data collection should probably not be shrunk down to 20 people living in North Dakota running web scraping / AI tools and publishing the data.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Julie Percival is the Regional Economist for the Dallas Regional Office of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. She received her Master of Public Policy in 2011 and Ph.D. in Public Policy and Political Economy in 2015, both from the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Percival began working for BLS in 2016.

Her division publishes about 200 regional news releases annually, and speaks regularly to users of BLS data in a variety of forums. Through interactions with the press, researchers, business and labor organizations, and the general public, she promotes a better understanding of BLS data and its potential impact on day-to-day life. Outside of her official work at BLS, her areas of specialty include technology, education, and disability policy.







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