Abstract submission



In order to participate in NMDC 2017, registration is required. Please process to http://nmdc2017.elite.sg/ to register an account and submit your abstracts.

Abstracts must be submitted before the abstract submission deadline, i.e., 1st June 2017. The authors will be notified about their abstract acceptance by 31st July 2017.

Guidelines for Abstracts

All submitted abstracts should be limited to a maximum length of 2 pages (Letter size, single space, Times Roman of font size 10, format), including figures, tables and references.  Templates are available in LaTeX http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/tex.php or Microsoft Word http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/word.php.


Language English
Paper size US Letter
Paper format Two-column format in the IEEE style http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/faq.php
Page limit For the abstract submission, up to 2-page is allowed
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The abstracts will be reviewed by the conference programme committee. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings if the registration fees are paid before 1st September, 2017.


Full Paper Submission


Full paper submission is optional, not compulsory for all accepted abstracts.

Upon acceptance of abstracts, the authors may consider to submit full papers of 4 pages with significantly more contents to IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology (TNANO) as a special issue.

The full paper manuscripts are subjected to a peer -review process. When submitting, please select the special issue IEEE NMDC 2017. (Note that full paper submission will not affect the 2-page abstract publication in the Proceedings).


Guidelines for full paper submission


The template of the full papers is available in LaTeX(http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/tex.php) or Microsoft Word(http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/word.php).


Language English
Paper size US Letter
Paper format Two-column format in the IEEE style http://nano.papercept.net/conferences/support/faq.php
Page limit For the final paper submission, a manuscript can be 2-4 pages, but 4 pages (full paper) are recommended.
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Upload full papers and copyright form


Please login to website http://nmdc2017.elite.sg/ to complete the upload. Transfer a copyright form electronically. This should be upload as a seperate document with your final paper submission.




Key Dates