Special Sessions
Tuesday, December 14 18:30 – 19:00
Salon A
Presentation of IEEE Fellow Recognition
- Deji Akinwande, University of Texas – Austin
- David Gracias, Professor, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
- Paul S. Weiss, UC Presidential Chair and distinguished professor UCLA;
Panel discussion “Meet the Experts” by IEEE NTC Young Professionals
Monday, December 13 18:30 – 19:45
Salon A
Moderators: José Alvim Berkenbrock and Anand Shah
- Seyi Balogun, Northwestern University, NTC distinguished lecturer
- Bonnie Gray, Professor, Engineering Science, Simon Fraser University
- Kremena Makasheva, Senior Researcher, CNRS, LAPLACE, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse
- Paul S. Weiss, California NanoSystems Institute and Departments of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bioengineering, and Materials Science & Engineering, UCLA
- Rafal Sliz, Assistant Professor, University of Oulu, Finland IEEE NTC YP Chair
IEEE NTC Young Professionals are very excited to have the opportunity to invite you to the “Meet the Experts” Panel Discussion held at the NMDC Conference in Vancouver. Our guests – distinguished scientists and engineers, and prominent IEEE members will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences related to their profession. The experts bring different perspectives to the panel; their diverse backgrounds in various domains will help participants better understand the ever-changing world of nanotechnology and gain new enriching experiences on both a personal and professional level. These thought leaders and practitioners can leverage their academic and professional experiences to enable participants to develop insights on how to approach their professional challenges in fresh ways.